



Prof.Alan Jeffrey Giacomin

Editor of Physics of Fluids

University of Nevada, USA


Bio: Prof. Giacomin is a retired Professor of Chemical Engineering, Mechanical and Materials Engineering and Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy at Queen’s University at Kingston in Canada where he holds the Canada Research Chair in Physics of Fluids, and Adjunct Professor at University of Nevada, Reno in USA. Born in Kingston, Professor Giacomin graduated high school on the island of Montreal. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Chemical Engineering from Queen’s University in Kingston, before joining the Research Division at DuPont Canada. He then earned a PhD in Chemical Engineering from McGill University under Professor John Dealy, his thesis is “A Sliding Plate Melt Rheometer Incorporating a Shear Stress Transducer.” He joined the Mechanical Engineering faculty at Texas A&M University. He has been Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, where for twenty years he chaired its Rheology Research Center. He has held visiting professorships at McGill University, the University of Sherbrooke, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, the Paris School of Mines, the National University of Singapore, Chung Yuan University near Taipei, Yunlin University, in southern Taiwan, and Shandong University in mainland China. He married Marie, and they have a son David, and daughter, Caroline. David is a civil engineer, and Caroline, a chemical engineer.He speaks English, French and Mandarin Chinese. His hobbies: Chinese characters, expert witnessing for products liability and patent litigation, and his passions are cycling and ice hockey. He is Past-President of the Canadian Society of Rheology, and a former President of The Society of Rheology. Giacomin serves as sole Editor-in-Chief of Physics of Fluids.




Prof. Igor Pioro

Editor of ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science

Ontario Tech University, Canada


Bio: Professor Igor Pioro Doctor of Technical Sciences (1992), Professional Engineer (Ontario, Canada) (2008), Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2012), Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (2015), and Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) (2013), Foreign Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He is an internationally recognized scientist within areas of thermal and nuclear engineering (thermalhydraulics of supercritical fluids, Generation-IV nuclear-reactor concepts, etc.) and thermal sciences/engineering (boiling, forced convection including supercritical pressures, etc.). He is author/co-author of more than 480 publications: 11 technical books, 28 chapters in encyclopedias, handbooks and books, 96 papers in refereed journals, 273 papers in refereed proceedings of international and national conferences and symposiums, 26 patents and inventions, and 46 major technical reports.

Dr. Pioro is the Founding Editor of the ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. He was a Chair of the Executive Committee of the Nuclear Engineering Division of the ASME (2011-2012) and a Chair of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-20) (2011-2012).

Professor Pioro has received many international and national awards and certificates of appreciation including a Harold A. Smith Outstanding Contribution Award from CNS (2017), Medal 60th Anniversary of NED (Nuclear Engineering Division of ASME) (2016); Service Recognition Award from the ASME (2014); an Honorary Doctor’s Degree from the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute” (2013); The CNS Education and Communication Award (2011); The UOIT Research Excellence Award (2011); the ICONE Award from the ASME (2009); etc.


Prof. Richard Lee Smith Jr.

Editor of The Journal of Supercritical Fluids

Tohoku University, Japan


Bio: Dr. Richard Lee Smith Jr, currently a professor at the Supercritical Fluid Engineering Research Center at Tohoku University in Japan, has published 317 SCI papers with an H-index of 61 and a total citation count of 12375. His articles include top journals such as Nature Catalysis, Nature Communications, and Journal of the American Chemical Society. Published one English monograph on Supercritical Fluids: A Spreadsheet based Approach, served as a member of the editorial board for Springer Nature, Biofuels, and Biorefineries series, published 12 books, and co authored over 10 English books. Hosted or participated in over 30 national key major scientific research projects in Japan, and served as an education committee member of the Japanese Chemical Engineering Society. Served as an editor for journals such as Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Oil, Gas, and Coal Technology. Vice Chairman of the Liaison Committee between the Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan (SCEJ) and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), and Education Commissioner of the Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan.




Prof. Na Zhang

Exe Editor of Journal of Thermal Sciences

Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Bio: Prof. Na Zhang Graduated from the Department of Thermal Engineering at Tsinghua University in 1991 with a Bachelor's degree in Engineering; In 1999, he received a doctor's degree in engineering from the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. From 2002 to 2003, he went to the University of Pennsylvania to carry out research on the visiting scholar project. Engaged in scientific research and practice in the fields of energy utilization and environment, undertaking multiple important scientific research projects such as National Natural Science Foundation projects, National 863 Program projects, and National 973 Program projects. Outstanding achievements have been made in the theoretical research of total energy systems, exploration of novel thermodynamic cycles, optimization and integration of energy systems, and analysis of dynamic mechanical variable operating conditions. Proposed the concept, method, and system integration of indirect improvement of solar energy grade, as well as the integrated method and system of energy conversion and CO2 separation and recovery; Positive and reverse cycle coupling method and system for efficient conversion of medium and low temperature waste heat; Analysis methods for power system variable operating conditions, etc. Published over 160 academic papers and international conference papers, including more than 50 SCI indexed papers and over 90 EI indexed papers. Serving as the Executive Editor of Journal of Thermal Science and Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, a member of the Greenhouse Gas Management Subcommittee of the National Environmental Management Standardization Technical Committee, and a member of the National Energy System Standardization Technical Committee. Also serving as an editorial board member for the international journals Energy The International Journal and Scientific Bulletin; Member of ASME The System Analysis Technical Committee; And served as a member of the scientific committee and advisory committee of multiple international academic conferences.




Prof. Gongnan Xie

Editor of International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow

Northwestern Polytechnical University, China


Bio: Prof. Xie Gongnan, male, PhD, associate professor, master's supervisor. Born in October 1980, from Heyuan, Guangdong. Obtained a doctoral degree in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2007; I conducted postdoctoral research at Lund University in Sweden from January 2008 to October 2009; In December 2009, he was awarded the title of Associate Professor through the Overseas Talent Introduction Policy of Northwestern Polytechnical University and has been working at the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Northwestern Polytechnical University ever since. In 2010, he was selected for the "Soaring Star" Youth Talent Program at Northwestern Polytechnical University. Mainly engaged in research related to thermal mechanical coupling analysis, enhanced heat transfer technology/cooling technology, insulation/heat protection technology, and structural optimization design. So far, I have published 22 SCI indexed papers, 16 ISTP indexed papers (all of which are high-level ASME series international conferences), over 50 EI indexed papers, and a total of over 100 SCI citations.























