
Organized by

Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics

Co-organized by:

North China Electric Power University, China

Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Co., Ltd

Under the auspices of:

Chinese Academy of Sciences

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering

Beijing Society of Energy

Beijing Energy and Environmental Society

Group of Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS

International Joint Laboratory on Clean and Low-Carbon Energy

Shanghai Research Center for Energy & Power

Shanghai Maritime University

Important Dates:


            Abstract Submission 


           Extended Abstract Submission


           Notification of Abstract Acceptance

July    15, 2024       

           Submission of Full-length Paper

(still open for New submission of abstract)

July    30, 2024       

           Paper Acceptance Notification

Aug  15, 2024        

           Early Bird Registration

Sep 20-24, 2024    

           Formal Conference

Organized by

Co-organized by


Under the auspices of:





