Abstract/Paper Submission

English is the official language of the conference. The paper should be written and presented only in English. Please refer to the official website of the conference for the notes on the Abstract and Full-length paper ( https://icspc2024.allconfs.com/ ). Please download the templates for reference. Online submission is required before the corresponding deadline. When submitting, please choose the conference track based on the theme of the paper. If you have any special needs, please contact the official conference email directly for instructions.

Submission process

Paper Collection Topic:

(1) Thermodynamics & System Integration of Supercritical Power Cycle

(2) Supercritical Fluid Flow Heat Transfer & Heat Exchanger

(3) Supercritical Fluid Thermal Power Conversion & Equipment

(4) Supercritical Composite Fluid Power Cycle

(5) Supercritical Fluid Energy Storage/CCUS Theory and Technology

(6) Supercritical Fluid Chemical & Materials Technology

(7) Nanoenergy Technology & Applications

(8) Other Multi-Energy Complementary & New Energy Technologies

[Themed Session 1] : Supercritical Pseudo-Phase Transition Theory

[Themed Session 2] : Supercritical Cycle Operation & Control 

[Themed Session 3]:State Key Scientific Facility (Shanghai)

[Themed Session 4]:Key Progress of Demonstration Project

[Industry Session]:Key Equipment Manufacturing



Abstract template of ICSPC2024.doc

Full text template of ICSPC2024.doc

ICSPC2024 Submission Instructions.pdf

Important Dates:


            Abstract Submission 


           Extended Abstract Submission


           Notification of Abstract Acceptance

July    15, 2024       

           Submission of Full-length Paper

(still open for New submission of abstract)

July    30, 2024       

           Paper Acceptance Notification

Aug  15, 2024        

           Early Bird Registration

Sep 20-24, 2024    

           Formal Conference

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