The State Key Scientific Facility (3MW sCO2 system)

The legal entity of the high-efficiency and low-carbon gas turbine test device project is the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the participating units are the Energy Power Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Jiangsu Province and the Advanced Energy Power Research Center in Pudong, Shanghai. The Chinese Academy of Sciences supports the construction of this facility by relying on relevant scientific and technological advantages as well as the early research and construction and operation management experience of several large scientific devices.

Through the construction of this testing facility, the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences will establish a complete research platform for turbomachinery aerodynamics, cooling, stability, and multi fuel combustion chamber testing. It will have the ability to systematically research various components of gas turbine compressors, combustion chambers, turbines, and new cycles, and master the core technology of gas turbine testing equipment. At present, the research institute has established a high-level research team with excellent quality, reasonable age structure, complete professional types, courage to innovate, and unity and cooperation. It has the ability to undertake the construction of efficient and low-carbon gas turbine test equipment.


Scientific background

1. What is the high-efficiency and low-carbon gas turbine testing device?

Efficient and low-carbon gas turbines are high-temperature, high-pressure, and high-speed rotating thermal turbomachinery. Their internal aerodynamic, thermodynamic, fluid thermal, chemical, and solid coupling are complex, and rely heavily on long-term experiments and data accumulation. A gas turbine is composed of components such as a compressor, combustion chamber, and turbine, and is the most efficient (combined cycle efficiency has reached 64.0%) and cleanest (nitrogen oxide emissions below 25ppm) high-power thermal power conversion device. The gas turbine testing device is a fusion project of multiple sciences, technologies, and engineering. This device can provide a practical and realistic experimental research environment, and is a technological infrastructure for conducting scientific and technological problems, applications, and development research on gas turbines, as well as innovative activities.


Figure 1: Experimental setup diagram of high-efficiency and low-carbon gas turbine

2. What is the significant significance of building an efficient and low-carbon gas turbine test facility?

For a long time, China has been deeply constrained by the bottleneck of the blank space of high-power gas turbine testing equipment. There is no fundamental condition for carrying out major scientific and technological problems in gas turbines, and key scientific data and basis cannot be obtained. There is no effective accumulation of technology and talent, and there is a gap of at least 30 years compared to foreign countries. No product has completed the complete process from basic research to use and development, and there is a lack of independent technology, products, and industries. Up to now, China has been stuck in the assembly business obtained through "market technology exchange", without mastering the design technology of gas turbines and the manufacturing and maintenance technology of hot end components. Almost all of the debugging, maintenance, and repair work of domestic gas turbines are completed by foreign gas turbine production and sales enterprises. It is an urgent need for the scientific, technological, and industrial development of gas turbines in China to quickly build efficient and low-carbon gas turbine testing facilities.

Through the construction and operation of this facility, we aim to provide a world-class experimental platform for the efficient utilization of natural gas, clean and low-carbon utilization of coal energy, as well as cogeneration, renewable energy utilization, fourth generation nuclear energy, energy storage, process application, and industrial energy-saving research and development of gas turbine technology. This will enhance the autonomy of related industries and promote the development of emerging high-tech industries.

3. What is the main content of building an efficient and low-carbon gas turbine testing device?

The main construction content of this project's facilities consists of three matching components: gas turbine compressor, combustion chamber, and turbine, as well as a cycle test research system, to support gas turbine components and cycle test research. Including: compressor test platform, combustion chamber test platform, turbine test platform, cycle test platform, public system and public engineering.

(1) The compressor testing platform includes single/multi-stage compressor testing platforms;

(2) The combustion chamber test platform includes three test benches: high-temperature and high-pressure optical transparent combustion, full temperature and pressure single cylinder full-size combustion chamber, and full temperature and pressure single cylinder full-size combustion chamber;

(3) The turbine test platform includes three test benches: cooling/sealing test bench, high-temperature nozzle cascade test bench, and multi-stage rotating turbine flow/cooling comprehensive test bench;

(4) The cycle test platform includes an efficient new cycle test bench and a low-carbon supercritical carbon dioxide cycle test bench;


Figure 2.Shanghai Park Planning

Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Cycle Experimental Platform

1 Low carbon supercritical carbon dioxide cycle test bench

1. Platform/System Composition Diagram

2. Scientific objectives

Research the energy conversion laws of advanced and new power cycles, open up new paths for the development of gas turbines, and master the technology of efficient and low-carbon power cycle systems.

3. Main parameters of the test bench




Circulating flow rate



Preheating temperature


Maximum pressure



Cycle power




4. Test bench functions

The supercritical carbon dioxide cycle test bench will provide experimental conditions for conducting supercritical carbon dioxide cycle and key unit characteristic tests. The test bench can conduct both supercritical carbon dioxide cycle characteristic tests and key unit tests such as compressors, turbines, and reheaters that make up the cycle. In terms of loop characteristics, it specifically includes:

Experimental study on the characteristics of supercritical carbon dioxide regenerative cycle

Experimental Study on the Start Stop Characteristics of Cycles

Experimental Study on Partial Load Characteristics of Cycles

Experimental Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of Cycles

Experimental research on control strategies for loops

Experimental Study on Process Optimization of Circulation

In terms of research on key components of the cycle, specifically including:

Experimental Study on Characteristics of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Compressor

Experimental Study on Characteristics of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Regenerators and Precoolers

Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

Experimental study on the characteristics of supercritical carbon dioxide turbines

2 Efficient new cycle test bench

1. Platform/System Composition Diagram

2. Scientific objectives

Research the energy conversion laws of advanced and new power cycles, open up new paths for the development of gas turbines, and master the technology of efficient and low-carbon power cycle systems

3. Main parameters of the test bench



Thermal power









Load power



Loop type


Numerical heat cycle &

Wet air turbine cycle


4. Test bench functions

The high-efficiency new cycle test bench is used to conduct new cycle tests of gas turbines using air as the working fluid, supporting research on pure power generation and cogeneration of cycles. It can provide experimental conditions for users to conduct research on the characteristics of efficient new cycle systems, as well as for users to study the performance of key units and their impact on cycle characteristics.

The thermal cycles that can be studied based on this cycle test bench include: gas turbine reheat cycle, water injection/steam reheat cycle, wet air turbine cycle, etc. For the above cycle, this test bench is capable of conducting experimental research, including:

Experimental Study on the Start Stop Characteristics of Gas Turbine Cycles

Experimental Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Gas Turbine Cycles

Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Gas Turbine Cycle Affected by Environmental Temperature

Experimental Study on Partial Load Characteristics of Gas Turbine Cycle

Experimental Study on Control Strategy of Gas Turbine Cycle

Experimental Study on the Thermoelectric Ratio Adjustment Characteristics of Gas Turbine Cycles

Based on this cycle test bench, the characteristics of key unit technologies and their impact on cycle performance can be studied:

Experimental research on a new type of intake cooling technology for compressors

Wet compression test research

Experimental Study on Wet Air Combustion

Experimental Study on the New Heating and Humidification Process of Compressed Air

Experimental research on a new type of reheater

Experimental Study on New Type of Exhaust Water Recycling and Utilization

Related links


Important Dates:


            Abstract Submission 


           Extended Abstract Submission


           Notification of Abstract Acceptance

July    15, 2024       

           Submission of Full-length Paper

(still open for New submission of abstract)

July    30, 2024       

           Paper Acceptance Notification

Aug  15, 2024        

           Early Bird Registration

Sep 20-24, 2024    

           Formal Conference

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